Welcome to the CLA Submittable Portal 

This is the landing page for faculty and departments to apply or submit a variety of materials to the college for various opportunities and projects. See below for all of our current opportunities.

How to get started?

  1. You will need to create a free Submittable account (or sign in with Google or Facebook credentials to submit to these forms).
  2. You can save a draft of your work if you would like to finish filling out the form at a later date.
  3. If you need to make changes to your form, please withdraw your submission and resubmit.

Technical Questions?

Check out the Submitter Resource Center or contact Submittable Customer Support. Submittable works best on Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Internet Explorer is not supported. 

The CLA SURP is designed to support CLA research and creative activities while engaging undergraduate students in mentor-led scholarship. All CLA faculty, including full- and part-time lecturers, are eligible to submit SURP proposals for Summer 2025. Submissions can be from an individual faculty member, a faculty pair, or a faculty/professional staff pair. The request for proposals is available here.

The College of Liberal Arts is committed to supporting the breadth of research, scholarly and creative activities of CLA faculty (RSCA). The CLA Scholarship Support (CLASS) Program (previously titled CSSS) provides funding for the scholarly development of tenure-track and tenured faculty in CLA.  The CLASS Request for Proposals is available here.

For external funding proposals, this form must be submitted no later than 15 working days in advance of the proposal deadline (working days do not include weekends or staff holidays). This deadline is currently aligned with the Pre-Award Milestone 3 deadline.

For external fellowship recognition, please complete this form after you have been awarded and have decided to accept the fellowship.

Please note that this a pilot program. Components may change in response to input and utilization. Your input is appreciated.

This e-memo invites requests to either extend, renew, or recruit Full-Time (FT) Lecturer faculty for your department (with an anticipated assignment to start Fall 2025). Please make your requests via the provided Submittable link found below. Be aware that you will need to put forward separate submissions for each FT extension, renewal, or new recruitment. We’ve listed the submission requirements here so that you’ll know ahead of time what to prepare.


Extension = Currently have a FT Lecturer on contract this academic year and you want to exercise the department option to extend their contract into next academic year.

  • Current incumbent:
    • Resource neutral (e.g., currently budgeted within historical pre-existing department lecturer allocations) or
    • New resources required (e.g., not budgeted within historical pre-existing department lecturer allocations)

Renewal = Currently have a FT Lecturer line that is at the end of contract or eligible extension, and you want/need to post the position for recruitment (either to rehire incumbent or a new candidate).

  • Current incumbent:
    • Resource neutral (e.g., currently budgeted within historical pre-existing department lecturer allocations) or
    • New resources required (e.g., not budgeted within historical pre-existing department lecturer allocations)
    • 1-year contract (department option to extend to 2nd year) or 
    • 2-year contract (department option to extend to 3rd year)

New Hire = Would like to recruit a new FT Lecturer to start next academic year (Fall 2025).

  • Resource neutral (e.g., currently budgeted within historical pre-existing department lecturer allocations) or
  • New resources required (e.g., not budgeted within historical pre-existing department lecturer allocations)
  • 1-year contract (department option to extend to 2nd year) or
  • 2-year contract (department option to extend to 3rd year)


  1. Please identify the specific subject area and anticipated course assignments that this potential new Full-Time Lecturer would fulfill within the department this coming AY25-26 (keep in mind that they would need to be assigned 44-45 units for the year).
  2. How would this recruitment address student demand areas within your program?
  3. Please address how this recruitment would contribute to the initiatives and/or goals of the department, college, and/or university.
  4. How might this recruitment address current/potential discipline-specific trends within your department?

Proposals are due before your department's scheduled CLA allocation meeting. 

The college will once again be providing an opportunity to request computer peripherals for your department. Computer peripherals are external devices that connect to your computer to enhance the machine's functionality. Some examples include: keyboards, mice, touchpads, styluses, monitors, speakers, headsets, cables, adapters, and external cameras. 

Here is the link for some recommended peripherals from ITS: https://calpoly.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CPKB/pages/1943732233/Recommended+Computer+Peripherals

All funding requests should be made by the department chair (or designee), on behalf of the department. As part of the submitted request, you will be asked to provide: 


  1. equipment items (and rank order)
  2. quantity
  3. cost (per unit)
  4. shipping cost
  5. tax
  6. short justification about how the specifically requested equipment funding would address departmental needs 


Funding Availability:

The total of your request should range between $250 (minimum) to $2,500 (max). Much like equipment requests, determinations on approved funding will then be provided by the college based on your specific listed items.


Submission deadline: 

Friday, March 7, 2025



Josh Machamer • jmachame@calpoly.edu • (805) 756-2359


Technical Questions?

Check out the Submitter Resource Center or contact Submittable Customer Support. Submittable works best on Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Internet Explorer is not supported.


Cal Poly College of Liberal Arts